Who we are

The Libreria Antiquaria Piemontese, active since 1971, is one of the best-known ancient books shop in Piedmont. The owners, Marco and Stefano Cicolini are passionate and experienced professionals of the ancient book and offer a complete variety of paper collecting, being able to satisfy even the most advanced and savvy enthusiasts. The book shop, located in the heart of Turin, has an exhibition area of over 100 square meters, which extends over two floors. It also boasts a department dedicated to advertising graphics and posters and is among the first shops in Italy specializing in this sector. In the library you can find:

Angela e Valter Cicolini made real their dream at the end of 1970, when they purchased the Libreria Bertoni’s shop, located in Via Mercanti 22, in the heart of old Turin.
From January 1st 1971, they change the Shop’s name in Libreria Piemontese and open the business not only to new books devoted to Local Piedmont History, but also to used and rare books concerning the same themes.
In a few years the Shop became one of the first choices for collectors and booklovers; thanks also to some annual Sale catalogues very appreciated. Rapidly Business wax extended to many other subjects; Religion, History, Literature, Illustrated books and Fine Bindings.
Towards 1974 the new chance to open also a special section devoted to Antique Prints for decoration, along with the sad decision to let the Modern books Business to go, due to the contemporary opening of many new great stores; so here the new name changed again into Libreria Antiquaria Piemontese.
Following a long production of Sale catalogues, some of them fully monographic, the shop is accepted into A.L.A.I, the Italian Bookdealers Association at the beginning of Eighties.
It was already from 1978 that the two sons, Marco e Stefano Cicolini, begun to work into the shop, starting from small deals; today they are the two remained owners, the former involved with administration, book and poster business; the latter responsible for the Print and Paintings’ section.
In 1991, new trends marks the change of address, with a new shop located (again!) in the heart of Turin between Piazza Castello and Piazza Solferino, in the recently renovated and cool Via Monte di pietà. A new space entirely devoted to original Posters is open, one of the earliest in Italy.
Recently, following a great Sale catalogue entirely on Mountaineering Books and Prints, is opened a new section dedicated to Alpine Paintings of XIX and XXth Centuries.
Today, after 47 years from opening, the shop has achieved a great reputation in Local and National Business domain, furthermore, the Catalogues continues to appear during the exhibition in major National Fairs’; like the annual Salone del Libro di Torino and Mostra del Libro Antico in Milan.